Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Q754: What Is This Kabbala That You Define As The Kabbala of Jesus Christ?

Reactions from the article: The MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM IS CHRIST JESUS IN PERSON! Ignorance of This Truth Deceives People, Pastors, Priests, and Churches To Follow The Fake "Another Jesus."

You claim that the Messianic Kabbala was lost in the First Century.
  1. What is this Kabbala that you define as the Kabbala of Jesus Christ?
  2. If there is something as Kabbala Wisdom, which is necessary for Salvation; why did Jesus allow it to be lost? For the answer, go to: Q755
  3. If there is such thing as Kabbala Wisdom that was lost in the First Century, what happened with the promise of Jesus that He will be with His Church till the End of Time? For the answer, go to: Q756
  4.  And what did the Holy Spirit do to guide the Church and make men remember what Jesus taught while he was on Earth? For the answer, go to: Q757
  5. Then, you say Jesus will return at the end of the 21st Century. How did you know that, when Jesus said that no one knows, even including Him, when the End of Time comes. For the answer, go to: Q758
  6. You mentioned two ways to prepare: to be ready and to purify ones-self. How? You did not mention. For the answer, go to: Q759
  7. For the Catholic Church, to prepare for His coming that no one knows, she urges that everyone observe what Jesus commanded which is to LOVE God and to Love the neighbor as one loves himself. For the answer, go to: Q760
  8. He also said that men endeavor to be Perfect as the Father is perfect, that men must carry his cross and follow Him, that men should drink His blood and eat His flesh, that men should be born again (baptized). These are enough to prepare for His return. For the answer, go to: Q761
  9. But, for the Kabbala, how did you come to know it? It is even so surprising that it is ONLY to you it was revealed by God. For the answers, go to: Q750 and Q762
  10. Are you a Prophet? For the answers, go to: Q165, Q535, and Q526
Luis Magarro
From the Group: Catholic Christians Forum

Luis, you have so many questions; and it is good for you Personally and Spiritually, even for your Salvation. It only means that you are interested to learn the many of God's Secrets & Mysteries, and their Revelations from Heaven. 

These Secrets and Mysteries of the Kingdom of God are HIDDEN and their supernal Revelations have that so-called TIME FACTORS. And, the Time Factor and Abundance of Revelations of most of these Secrets and Mysteries are in the 21st Century End-Time Generation, wherein CHRIST is to return.

Most of your QUESTIONS have been asked by other People. I will let you refer to the ANSWERS and ARTICLES I gave to them. So, let me answer your questions one by one.

Q1. What is this Kabbala that you define as the Kabbala of Jesus Christ?
A1. For thousands of years the secret about Jesus Christ and Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom were hidden by God The Father (Colossians 1:25-26). 
  • …according to the administration of God given to me for you, TO FULFILL THE WORD OF GOD; the [MESSIANIC KABBALAH] MYSTERY which has been HIDDEN from ages and from generations, but NOW has been REVEALED to His Saints. (Col 1:25-26 MKJV)
Now, the 21st Century End-Time has come, that this sublime Messianic Kabbalah secret has to be revealed! So, open your Mind and Heart, and study this Greatest Revelation of God in our End-Time Generation, for your own Salvation (Colossians 1:27-28).
  • God wanted to make known to those among the Gentiles the Glorious Wealth of This [MESSIANIC KABBALAH] MYSTERY, which is CHRIST IN YOU, the Hope of Glory. (Col 1:27)
  • Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every Man in all [MESSIANIC KABBALAH] WISDOM; that we may present every Man PERFECT in Christ Jesus. (Col 1:28 KJV) 
For more revelations, go to the following articles:

1. Breaking NEW Revelation! The MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM IS CHRIST JESUS IN PERSON! Ignorance of This Truth Deceives People, Pastors, Priests, and Churches To Follow and Teach About The Fake "Another Jesus." 
3. The Secrets and Mysteries of CHRIST JESUS; As The SON OF GOD, The MESSIAH, and The MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM. (List of Articles)

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