Saturday, January 25, 2014

Q139: CAN YOU INTERPRET MY "CARROT DREAM"? The Interpretation of Dreams Belongs Only To God (Genesis 40:8).

Hello again kuya Lope. I have a dream and I write it down and attached to this email. Let me know how can you interpret this.  


Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)


The Carrot
The carrot is based in my dream January 18, 2014 around 2am, the dream which is different than before it looks like I really exist in that three worlds and awake. Because in my dream I was certain that I feel existed in that same worlds I try to write it down so that I will not forget it. When I arrived in my office that morning I took one bond paper in my table and sketched it. 

Here is the Story 
When I stood in the First world I see the Shadowy World and Second World but I was interested to wonder that worlds. The Shadowy World is somewhere I see interesting things there and the Second World is something the same as my first world but their three have different faces but only it looks like a two mountain.

When I step down I see my face but it look like you but it was me and I was certain because I feel it physically, but still it look like you. When we arrived in the shadowy world (I mean I and You), I heard the crowd and they are advancing forward with swords. We don’t have any weapons because we didn’t thought that there is a battle there. But they stab us and feel it hurting us much and ask them why; but they didn’t understand because their language is different.

In order to survive we fought the battle we but we have only one body but were two. When you “I” stab them they die but no blood. Suddenly we heard the voice from the Carrot Master above from the second world and said “we have to pass the shadowy world in order to get the carrot.” We advanced until we exit to the shadowy world and in the middle of the second world we get exhausted but then we reach the top of the second world and received the carrot.

We receive a little carrot to eat, but there is also a carrot puppet who reach the top of the second world and he receive the big one carrot. Then we realized that we are able to create and give a carrot for them and we shoutedonly this carrot I can make for them, as long as TEN METERS.” Then all the carrot puppet die instantly; they lay down in the ground and only you “I” and the Carrot Master and Her Daughter were left. We see them die, and only at that time we realize that the carrot puppet is made of plastic and the people who reach the  top of the second world had received also a carrot plastic and they died.

But for us we receive little carrot but true carrot and we eat. The Carrot Master is a woman and she has a daughter. The Carrot Master have four line and compose of five. Her Daughter has only one eye, and have hair with seven colors.  

Suddenly my alarm clock rung, and I opened my eyes smoothly and turn off my alarm and try to analyse what my dream meant. I always set my alarm clock 3am because my duty is 6am. We have to leave our camp exactly 5am and 30 minutes before 5am. I must be there at our service vehicle so that we can reach our office 3 minutes before 6am, the spare hour before 4:30 is my preparation.

Hi, Jomar!

Thanks for your e-mail and request to interpret your dream. Your dream or vision is the BIG PICTURE of the Past, Present, and Future of God's Master Plan for Mankind. It is also the concise summary of Mankind's history from his Creation, his Fall, and his Redemption. 

The core message about your dream is the vital role and super-importance of the completion and unity of the 4 Hebrew Letters of the LORD God's Great and Holy Name YUD HEI VAV HEI, in the Salvation or Redemption of Man (Malachi 1:11). And this completion and unity of the LORD's Holy Name can be achieved only via the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom!

This also means that because God revealed to you this wonderful message in a dream, God has called you for something very special. Your dream is one of the fulfilment of God's Prophecy in Joel 2:28, that was fulfilled in Acts 2:16-18, and is being fulfilled again in our End-Time Generation just before the return of the King Messiah Jesus Christ.
  • This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;  (Act 2:16)
  • And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:  (Act 2:17)
  • And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:  (Act 2:18)
  • And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:  (Joe 2:28)

The 2 HIGH MOUNTAINS, which are the FIRST WORLD AND SECOND WORLD in your dream, are the 2 pure worlds illuminated by the Light of God’s MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM. The First World is the world of the First Adam before the Sin in the Garden of Eden. The Shadowy World is the Fallen World resulting from the Sin and Fall of Adam (Mankind). The Second World or High Mountain is the World of the Second Adam (Jesus Christ). 

We can reach the top of the 2nd High Mountain only if we are transfigured or transformed by the power of God's Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom. This was shown and demonstrated in the Transfiguration Event recorded in Mark 9:2.
... Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an HIGH MOUNTAIN apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. (Mark 9:2)

The Shadowy World in between the 2 two high mountains of the First and Second Worlds is the Fallen World of Man after the Sin in the Garden of Eden. This Fallen World is devoid of the Light of God’s Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom. Therefore, this fallen world is full of Darkness (Shadow) because of the absence of the Messianic Kabbalah Light.

The Carrot is the heavenly Manna (the Bread from Heaven), which is God’s Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, which is Jesus Christ Himself in person. This is also the True Gospel of Christ. We must eat this MANNA to be given Eternal Life. For an in-depth explanation about this wonderful truth, please go to: THE TRUE GOSPEL OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM IS THE SPIRITUAL MANNA FROM HEAVEN, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST! You Must Eat This Manna Bread If You Want to Be Saved and Live Forever!

The Carrot Puppet which is made of plastic is the False Gospel of Men that deceived Billions of Christians and Jews in the Shadowy World.

Your battle in the shadowy world is the struggle, sufferings, and persecutions of the true followers of the genuine Jesus Christ. True Christians must fight and survive the war as the true soldiers of God wearing and using the FULL (WHOLE) ARMOR OF GOD (Ephesians 6:10-18). 

The enemies that died without blood, are those people that opposed God and persecute His People. As you observed, "they die but no blood," which means that these rebellious people, including the False Christians and Jews, died without the saving BLOOD OF CHRIST. In other words, they are rejected by Christ and are not given salvation.

The statement that you shouted only this carrot I can make for them, as long as TEN METERS signified the TEN SEFIROT, which is the foundation of MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM. 

This TEN SEFIROT is actually the TREE OF LIFE, as written in the First and Last Books of the Bible (Genesis 2:9, and Revelation 22:14). Without this Tree of Life, all the carrot puppet, which are from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, will die. The forbidden Tree of Knowledge is also called the Tree of Death (Genesis 2:17).


The Carrot Master is the Upper (First) HEI of the LORD’s Hebrew Name YUD HEI VAV HEI. This is called BINAH in Messianic Kabbalah, which is also the upper Holy Spirit. And this Upper HEI is also called the IMA, the female aspect of God the Father (ABBA). GOD THE FATHER is represented by the letter YUD, which has the numerical value of 10. 

The Lower HEI in the LORD’s Name is called MALCHUT in Kabbalah. She is the Daughter of the Upper HEI, BINAH.

Your dream also showed you that the Daughter of the Carrot Master, has "only one eye" and have hair with "seven colors." The "only one eye" pertains to the only Savior (Messiah) of Mankind -- the LORD AND SAVIOR Jesus Christ! This means that the one and only way for anyone to reach the top of the 2nd World, is the LORD JESUS CHRIST (John 14:6). According to the Zohar, the Savior Jesus Christ already possessed the lower 6 sefirot of the Ten Sefirot. When the 10th Sefirah of Malchut (Lower HEI) connects to the 6 Sefirot of Jesus Christ (VAV = 6), the Daughter got the 7 sefirot, or the 7 colors!

MALCHUT or the Lower HEI is the BRIDE OF CHRIST. And JESUS CHRIST (the Bridegroom) is represented by the Hebrew letter VAV, which has the numerical value of 6. The Hebrew letter HEI is numerically equivalent to 5.

In the 2nd World, the Mother and Daughter, which are the 2 HEIs of the LORD's Name are united and are together. And this is achieved via the Hebrew Letter VAV. By this, the 3 Hebrew letters HEI VAV HEI connect to the letter YUD, completing and uniting the LORD's most powerful and Holy Name YUD HEI VAV HEI.  

When this completion and unity of the LORD God's Holy Name happens, then Zechariah 14:9 is fulfilled. Thus, when The LORD's Name Becomes ONE (Echad), all evils are eliminated, and all blessings and Eternal Life are made available to everyone that fears and merits God's Holy Name (Malachi 4:2-3)! And all Creations, especially the whole Universe is released from the bondage of corruption and decay (Rom 8:21)!

For an in-depth explanation about this UNITY OF THE LORD'S NAME, please go to: WHAT IS THE BIBLE PARDES OF THE TRUE GOSPEL? PaRDeS is the 4 Levels of the Bible Knowledge and Understanding! Reaching the 4th Level, which is the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, Unifies the LORD's Name, and Qualifies You to Re-Enter Paradise (the Garden of Eden)!

The Paradise, or Garden of Eden, is the 2nd High Mountain of God in your dream.



  1. I had a dream that i was eating carrot. In my dream everyone in the room which were men refuse to accept this carrot.

    A handsome man walk to were i was seating and gave me 3 chunky huge carrot. I took it and consume the first 2 carrot and left a little bit of the 3rd carrot as i said to myself in the dream that if i consume all of the carrot it will be overdose in my blood cell and my dizzyness will start again. However i ate pretty much everything and left a little bit.

    Please what deos this dream means of me eating this nice and jucy carrot and everyone else in the room refuse to eat it.

  2. A carrot in Hebrew means sweet root. The carrot you see is you and the two worlds you see is Heaven and Earth. You see yourself seated with Christ in Heavenly your places and where you are here in this world birthing out revelation of who you are in Heaven here in Earth (bringing Heaven to Earth).

    The battle you are seeing is the Church (Body of Christ) fighting amongst themselves. Instead of loving one another we (the Body of Christ) are quarreling against each other trying to prove ourselves better than our brothers and sisters.

    The Good News is that IT IS FINISHED and the Lord Jesus loves us all the same and is helping us grow and mature in THE WAY only He knows to do.

    Do not downplay any of the interpretations explained on this dream for dream interpretation is a gift from The Spirit so all the explanations are correct in how God The Father revealed them to us. You all are doing great in your walks with The Lord Jesus and encouragement to all who continue to seek His face.
