Monday, August 17, 2020



Hi Lope!

This morning when I looked out the window there was a cloud shaped like a Chanukah Menorah and sitting on a flat table. I called Collin and Claire to see it and Collin said, "Wow, Grandma it’s a miracle!" It was so cool! It even had Light for candles. I did not even think to take picture. If it ever happens again I will.

Lola Rutherford

(Posted on June 24, 2020, 11:40 AM Philippine Time).

Salem, Oregon, USA

Lope Columna WOW! Chanukah Menorah is a symbol of God's MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM as this come from the upper BINAH Sefirot. 

Your sight-seeing proves that CHRIST is about to return from Heaven to Earth; very soon! Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom is CHRIST Himself in Person.  

Lola Rutherford Yes, I was So amazed I counted with Collin and Claire and there was 4 on each side and the Yeshua Servant candle elevated about a foot higher. I had told Dirk that there was a Menorah in the cloud and he said (about 20 minutes earlier) that the cloud looked like an Angel but he keep it to himself. But, when we saw the Menorah he told us about it. 

Anyways our Redemption is truly drawing nigh. I also had dream last night about Tornado and a Bright Rainbow 🌈 

Lope Columna  As in your presentation graphics above, you have a Wonderful and Truthful presentation, Lola. The TEN SEFIROT structure has actually 11 Sefirah; as you presented here. It is called TEN SEFIROT because KETER and DA'ATH do not appear together.

Lola Rutherford Your right I just now notice that. I put the 2 candles for Written and Oral Torah. 

Every time I go out to do errands Collin likes to go with me and we listen to a song about the walls come tumbling down and I have been blowing the Shofar. I bought some nice louder speakers for upstairs so we can listen to and kids love to dance and Collin will have distance learning for school so I set up the upstairs like a fun school room. 

Have a Blessed Shabbat. 

For more revelatory explanations, go to: The MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM IS JESUS CHRIST IN PERSON! Ignorance of this Truth Deceives You to the "Another Jesus." Did You Ever Check If the Jesus You Are Following is True or False?

Copyright 2020 © LOPE COLUMNA

Lola Rutherford Hi Lope I was So surprised to see the article on your webpage The Bible Explainer about The Menorah I was getting ready for bed last nite and decided to see if you had posted anything and WOW was remembering that day we saw that menorah in the sky. Have a Blessed day! Lola Rutherford

Lope Columna I was inspired to let others know your "sight-seeing" the Chanukah Menorah in the Sky. And, to interpret it as an imminent sign of Christ's 2nd Coming.

Lola Rutherford Yes it is Very Very Soon!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Q849: Is it SIN For A Man To Marry a Non-Virgin Woman? If a Woman Had Intercourse With Another Man, But Was Not Officially Married, Is She Bound To Him?

  1. Is it SIN for a man to marry a non-virgin woman?
  2. If a woman has had intercourse with another man, but was not officially married, is she bound to him?
Hunter Givens
Lives in Venezuela, Cuba

Q1. Is it SIN for a man to marry a non-virgin woman?
A1. Yes, it is a SIN to marry a non-virgin woman. The SIN is ADULTERY.


King David committed ADULTERY when he had sex with the married Bathsheba. God punished him for this. He had already about 18 Wives at this time. Yet, King Solomon was able to have 1,000 WOMEN; and he never committed ADULTERY. What's the difference? Solomon has them ALL VIRGINS!

A Widow (whose Husband/s already died) is also a VIRGIN.

The Zohar reveals that when a Man-Husband copulates with a Woman-Wife, the Man-Husband usually injects a Spirit from him to the inside of the womb or sex organ of the Woman-Wife. When the Wife is a VIRGIN, and her Husband have sex with her, the Spirit from the Husband dwells inside the Womb of the Wife. Since the Wife is a Virgin, and her Husband is the only Man to touch her, she is PURE in God's eyes. 

Yes, a Woman's Virginity is only for her ONE Physical Husband and for her ONE Spiritual Husband, who is CHRIST (2Corinthians 11:2).

That is, in reality, a WIFE has Two (2) Husbands in her life:
1) Her Spiritual Husband who is CHRIST in Heaven above,
2) Her Human Physical Husband who is on Earth below.

The Human Husband must be like Jesus Christ who DOES NOT COVET another woman who already belong to another Man. He is a Man to his Wife.

When the Wife copulates with another Man (not her Physical Husband), that another Man also injects his Spirit to the Wife. So now, there are Two (2) Spirits in the Womb of the Wife. The Spirit of the First Physical Husband will fight this foreign Spirit, and try to eject this foreign intruder to the outside. But the intruder Spirit will resist. So, you have a situation of confusion and conflict inside the sexual organ or womb of the Wife! In this situation, the Woman-Wife becomes IMPURE or ADULTERATED in God's eyes!

And the Man who had sex with the Married Woman whose Husband is still living also became impure. Thus, the Sin of ADULTERY was committed by both Man and Woman (Leviticus 20:10).

Q2. If a woman has had intercourse with another man, but was not officially married, is she bound to him?
A2. The Woman is bound to the Man she had sex with. Once a Woman had SEX with any Man; she is married to him. To God, sex is the start of Marriage.

For more revelatory explanations, go to the following Articles: