Thursday, December 14, 2017

Q257: Are YOU A JEW? I Just Want To Confirm; Because You Seems Familiar With All The Jewish Calendar and Even Professing Like a Jew!!!

Good morning sir .....I just wanted to confirm ''' are you a JEW? Because you seems familiar with all the Jewish Calendar and even  professing like a Jew!!! 

And you're line of language everytime you share seems too futuristic in a modern age but somehow connected from the past !!! So I would like to confirm it: are you a JEW!!

Vergan Gonzales

Lope S. Columna I'm a Jew not by race, but by heart and spirit. And to make it more specific, I'm a SUPERNAL MESSIANIC JEW, practicing the Supernal Messianic Judaism, which is the True Religion of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.  

For an explanation, go to this link:
WHO AND WHAT IS THE REAL JEW? Here is God's Definition of the Real Jew. (Everyone Must Become a Jew to be Saved)!

Lope S. Columna The Whole World, including Israel -- the Jewish Nation, are misled about the true meaning of WHO AND WHAT IS A JEW, and WHAT IS THE TRUE JUDAISM. Thus, world religions, including Christianity and Judaism, are confused about the definition of the genuine Jew and Judaism.

The Judaism of the Jews in the world today is the fallen Judaism that resulted from the Sin of the first Adam. The True and Original Judaism is the Judaism of Jesus Christ (2nd Adam), who is without sin. This means that there are differences in the Jewishness or Judaism of Christ vs the Jewishness and Judaism of the common Jews. This is the reason why during the time of Christ, there are conflicts between Him and the Jews in Israel.

For an in-depth explanation, go to: ADAM IS THE FIRST JEW. JESUS CHRIST (2ND ADAM) IS THE SUPERNAL AND ULTIMATE JEW! You and I Must Become a Jew According To The Supernal Jewishness of Christ Jesus!

Vergan Gonzales Thank you sir!! ..... now I know your way of Salvation. I'm just a bit confuse the way you lead salvation ....with you're Kabbalah Wisdom? As you claim it as Messianic!!? I admire you're wisdom sir!! 

I just wish to see JESUS ' in every step of the way you lead people and how I love to hear you proclaim His Name! The son of the Most High God!!

Lope S. Columna I understand your situation, Vergan. But you are not alone. Almost all Christians and Jews today are confused, because they are misled by the lack of the True Knowledge about God The Father and the genuine Jesus Christ (Hosea 4:6). But this situation must not continue for so long. 

Christ Jesus, who is now the King Messiah, is about to return and rule this world. Therefore, the Truth about the genuine Judaism and WHO AND WHAT IS A REAL JEW must be taught for the world to know and understand, especially for those who want to be saved at Christ's return.

Now, the TRUE RELIGION (supernal Messianic Judaism), which is the Religion of Jesus Christ is here. We must stop wasting our time and resources on those world religions that will not give us Salvation. Only the True Religion of Christ can lead everyone (Jews and Gentiles alike) to Salvation!

Copyright 2017, 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA
The WORLD'S First and Only END-TIME PREACHER of 

(Hosea 6:2-3, Isaiah 40:3-5, 46:11, Jeremiah 9:12, Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, 24:14, Rev 14:6)


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