Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Q852: How Would One Go About This? That is, To Learn God's MESSIANIC KABBALAH Wisdom and Understand God's Love?

Reactions from the Article: The Secret MEANING and CHARACTERISTICS OF GOD'S LOVE, Now Revealed By MESSIANIC KABBALAH! God's LOVE Surpasses The World's Knowledge About LOVE.
Hello, Mr. Lope Columna. Nice post.

How would one go about this? 

Lu Harris

Lope Columna One MUST EAT from the TREE OF LIFE before qualifications to have ETERNAL LIFE. MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM is the TREE OF LIFE, or from the TREE OF LIFE (Proverbs 3:13-18). One must STOP EATING from the non-kosher TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of Good & Evil before EATING from the TREE OF LIFE (Genesis 3:24).

That is, one must be freed from; or overcome his/her selfish EGO before learning MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM.

Lu Harris How would a person that doesn't know Jesus understand any of that?


Lu Harris This information is meat. Shouldn't we start out with milk? If I was just starting with my search, I would run far away from this kind of talk. This is more for those mature in Christ. I believe the bible tells us to discuss these things in meetings with those that are on the same page. Milk in public. Meat in meetings.

Lope Columna This 21st Century End-Time is a time for STRONG MEAT. And, we are given the STRONG MEAT types of God's Truth, Not the MILK types, which abound in the Internet (Hebrews 5:12-14).

Lu Harris When you said Jesus in person, what did you mean?

Lope Columna 
The Zohar revealed that Adam repented of his Sin. God, then told Adam that a Savior or Messiah is to come out of David to save him and his Children (Mankind) from his/their Sins. It was by this time, that CHRIST was made the MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM to redeem Mankind (1Corinthians 1:30-31, John 1:14).

For more revelatory explanations, go to the following articles:
1.  GOD The FATHER Made CHRIST The MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM For The Redemption/Salvation of Mankind.
2.   Q792: Which Scripture Shows Adam Repenting of His Sin?

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