Saturday, December 1, 2018

Q600: Just Because They Have The Name Kabbalah (Made Negative By The World), You Will Not Study God's Messianic Kabbalah Anymore?

Reactions from the Article: JESUS CHRIST PROPHESIED THE REVELATION OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH SECRETS TODAY! Pay Careful Attention When The Everlasting Gospel of Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom is Preach To You. Be Careful How You Listen To Understand God's Mysteries Necessary For Your Salvation!

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I was curious, so I made my own research. And here are a few things I learned about Kabbalah:

1) The origins of Kabbalah were pagan, or what might be called heathen. the kabbalah arose from sources that were neither jewish nor christian .the proginitors of Kabbalah were babylonian religion,astrology, myth and magic, Persian Zoroastrianism, dualism, gnosticism, neoplatonism, and religious and philosophical speculations from all over the hellenistic world of 2,000 years ago.
2) The Hebrew scriptures says: "ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you"; "do not be snared by following them...", "learn not the way of the heathen.
3) The rabbis admitted that Kabbalah is dangerous, in that it could lead weak souls into heresy. rabbinical courts moved to make it unlawful for anyone under the age of forty to study Kabbalah. The reason being that if one has first lived 40 years and been raised and trained in, and has studied Judaism, then perhaps his Judaism would be strong enough to dominate what he finds in the Kabbalah, not otherwise.
4) The Jewish Encyclopedia is rich in information that went into Kabbalah.
5) The concept of good and evil in the Kabbalah is borrowed from paganism. It believes in the Gnostic idea that evil is the reverse of the divine, the left side, while the good is the right side.
6) Orifessir Gershom Scholem deduced that the formation of the Kabbalah "proper" or the Kabbalah as we know it today, took place in the 13th century. The pagan influences in antiquity were picked up and assimilated and eventually led to the rise of the Kabbalah.
7) A number of notorious Kabbalists are Sabbatau Zevu and Jacob Frank (Frank inflamed blood libel against the Jews which brought slaughter upon them. Madame Blavatsky is a Kabbalist theosophist, who eventually spawned the Nazi Party, which produced the Holocaust. 

Oca Gonzales 

Lope Columna Oca, what you have researched are all NOT of the MESSIANIC KABBALAH category. This is because for thousands of years only one (1) Kabbalah => The unholy Kabbalah from the TREE OF DEATH was known by the Whole World. By this unholy Kabbalah, Satan was able to deceived the Whole World (Revelations 12:9). God's People requested God to hide them from the harm of this Kabbalah of the WICKED (Psalms 64:2).
  • Hide me from the SECRET COUNSEL (Heb. SOD = SATANIC KABBALAH) of the WICKED; from the insurrection of the WORKERS OF INIQUITY: (Psa 64:2 KJV)
But, there is another kind of Kabbalah, which is the Holy KABBALAH of The LORD; now called the MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM (Psalms 25:14).
  • The SECRET (Heb. SOD = MESSIANIC KABBALAH) of The LORD is with them that FEAR HIM; and He will shew them His COVENANT. (Psa 25:14 KJV)
This Holy Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, which is the Mystery of the True Gospel, was HIDDEN by God for thousands of years (1Corinthians 2:7-10). Now, this supernal Wisdom was revealed by God more abundantly only today, in our 21st Century End-Time. This is in preparation for the Glorious Return of CHRIST.  

For more revelations, go to: Breaking New Revelation: The TWO (2) KINDS OF KABBALAH, Now, Revealed! The Holy MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM vs The Unholy Satanic Kabbalah Foolishness


Search the words, MESSIANIC KABBALAH in the Internet, somehow this will filter out the impure and Satanic Kabbalah that you have research. The Messianic Kabbalah is from God Himself, while the Kabbalah you mentioned are all from the Fallen Angels!

But, don't allow these impure and Satanic Kabbalah hinder your spiritual growth and increase of your Kabbalistic knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ (2Timothy 2:15, 2Peter 1:5-9, 3:18).

Just because they have the name Kabbalah (made negative by the World), you will not study God's Messianic Kabbalah anymore?

It's like saying that just because the Muslims and Roman Paganism have used the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Jerusalem is not God's Holy City anymore. And that you should not go there anymore? If you act like this, then you allow Satan to succeed in his evil plan -- to prevent your spiritual growth and entry to the Kingdom of God.

It's the same analogy with the Promised Land. The promised land, called Canaan, was occupied by the pagan Canaanites. And yet, God gave the Land of Canaan to the Israelites, commanded Israel to go and conquer the Land of Canaan and drive away those pagan Canaanites. It's the same with Kabbalah.

The world is saturated and occupied by the Pagan & Evil Kabbalah and its branches. But, God commands His faithful people to go and conquer those evil Kabbalah with His very powerful, pure and holy Messianic Kabbalah!

You know that whenever God has a plan to do something, Satan has always the opposite and counterfeits of that Plan of God, to discourage God's people. God always allows the opposites of His Ways to test His People, whether they will really obey Him or not, love Him or not.

Lope Columna Why not just study those lots of Bible verses I quoted, showing you and everyone that Messianic Kabbalah is of God, Biblical, and should be taught and learned?

You may not find the actual words, Messianic Kabbalah in the Bible translations because it was hidden from the Bible Scholars and Translators. Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom is hidden deep in the Bible, that can be brought to open only via the Bible's original language -- the Hebrew language.

But, everytime that the English Bible translations say WISDOM, SECRET, or MYSTERY from above, or from God; they always mean the MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM. And please be informed that Messianic Kabbalah is a strict requirement for Salvation!

To know more, go to the following articles:

1. As Science & Technology Became Advanced and High-Tech, SINS Also Became HIGH-TECH, Even Using The INTERNET!

2. INTRODUCING GOD'S MESSIANIC KABBALAH FROM THE TREE OF LIFE VS. THE SATANIC KABBALAH FROM THE TREE OF DEATH. God's Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom is The Source of The TRUE GOSPEL of Christ! Satanic Kabbalah is The Source of The FALSE GOSPEL of Men.

3. YOU, YOUR PASTORS, and YOUR CHURCH CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE WITHOUT GOD'S MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM OF TRUTH! Without It, All Sermons & Bible Study/Expositions Are Just Human Opinions And Speculations!

Copyright 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA

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