Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Q321: Are You Telling Me That Every Living Thing Has an Afterlife? Or Does It Apply Only To Humans?

The following Questions,Comments, and Answers were generated by the article: WHAT YEAR IS THE END OF THIS WORLD AND CHRIST'S RETURN, ACCORDING TO YOUR BIBLE? Now, God The Father Revealed 2030 As The Secret Year of The Glorious Return of Christ And End of The World! Prepare Yourself On or Before 2030!

Gary Wilson Castro Uy, Don Lee Bunner, Mienne Chan, and Pete Chapman like this.

Lope, I work in the biotech industry where we make drugs from living biological cells. We culture these living cells by feeding them with the right mix of proteins. If there is a break or a process upset, the cells die and no amount of Chemistry and Physics can bring them back to life! So, they die and goes down the process drain. End of the world.

Are you telling me that every living thing has an afterlife? Or does it only apply to humans? I thought God loves all His creatures big and small.  

Arnel Amador

Q1. Are you telling me that every living thing has an afterlife? Or does it only apply to humans?

A1. Lope Columna Every living thing, including human beings, are alive only because of the LIVING LIGHT, which is the LIFE, that God put into it. The other term for this Life is SOUL. This means that every living thing (plants, animals, and human beings) are alive because of the SOUL that God put inside them.

But know also that the SOUL has different levels or grade (Nephesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chayah, Yechidah).
  1. NEPHESH = The Animal Soul.
  2. RUACH = The Human Spirit
  3. NESHAMA = The Breathe of Life (Immortal Life). This was lost during the Sin of Adam.
  4. CHAYAH = The LIGHT that covers or surrounds a Person in His/Her Immortal Status.
  5. YECHIDAH = The Soul that unites with the Creator God. This is the Soul of ETERNAL LIFE.
Thus, the HUMAN SOUL (Ruach) is higher than the animal soul. These Human Souls will be judged in the AFTERLIFE

Arnel Amador I believe in God personally, but I have serious doubts about the afterlife. Death is irreversible.

Paul Taylor Well IF you believe in the Bible look at 1Thessalonians 5:2 onwards. Makes sense. Also Mathew 24:14 tells us that we are in times of distress leading to the end of this system (not the end of the world). Its so real no one can deny that we are living in these last days!

Lope Columna Arnel, the living biological cells your company is making business with are all made by the Living God => The Source of all Life. In other words, those cells are living because God gave them life. With your process procedures you caused the death of those living cells! And your company, and this world have no technology to bring them back to life! 

Only God has the Spiritual Science and Technology to give LIFE! The Physics and Chemistry you mentioned are all in the Physical level. Only God knows and has the Divine Physics and Chemistry to bring them back to Life! Read in the Bible how Jesus Christ brought to life again the dead cells of Lazarus (John 11:43-45).

Arnel Amador I don't really think about the end of the world, Lope. I just want to enjoy my life while still on this Earth. 

Lope Columna Arnel, I respect your opinion; but everything in this world has its end, including yourself, myself, and everyone else. We know we are going to die. When that happens, then what next?

Arnel Amador Nothing.

Carmelito Tatlonghari Lots of fairy the bible!

Lope Columna
 Most technical people and those with scientific minds usually fall into the trap of not believing in the Bible, or the afterlife. This is why many scientists and engineers do not believe in God and His Bible. They also doubt the existence of God. Myself -- being an Engineer, and also having a scientific mind; I cautioned myself not to fall into this trap. 

I know that the Almighty God is the Creator of the Foundation of the Physical Science & Technology (Mathematics, Classical and Nuclear Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc.). And He is also the Creator of Metaphysics, Divine Mathematics, Mysticism, and all the Principles and Laws of Spiritual Science & Technologies of the Spiritual Worlds and Universes, inhabited by the Angels and other Spirit Beings!

Very soon, those Engineers and Scientists that focused their time and mind entirely on their physical expertise and careers will be shocked, especially after they die! 

For more revelations, go to: Afterlife 1: QUO VADIS, SOUL? The DESTINATION FOR YOU TO GO AFTER YOU DIE Depends On The Quality of Your Soul! Now, You Can Understand Why And How To Wisely Prepare For Your Afterlife. And Better Still, To Prepare For Christ's Glorious Return!

Arnel Amador Thanks Lope and Merry Christmas! All the best in the coming year. 

Copyright 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA
The WORLD'S First and Only END-TIME PREACHER of 

(Hosea 6:2-3, Isaiah 40:3-5, 46:11, Jeremiah 9:12, Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, 24:14, Rev 14:6)

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