The following Questions, Comments, and Answers were generated by the article: The GOD-CHOSEN MAN FROM THE FAR EAST (Philippines) RESTORED, AND IS NOW PREACHING THE TRUE GOSPEL (God's Counsel) Of The Kingdom Of God To The Whole World! Then, The END OF THE WORLD Comes (Isaiah 46:11, Matthew 24:14)!
- Where did the True Gospel come from?
- How can you prove that it is God's Word?
- What do you call it?
- Where can I get it?
From the Group: The Bible, Christendom,
Islam and Hindusim
Q1. Where did the True Gospel come from?
A1. Lope Columna Mr. Datu Masla, The TRUE GOSPEL is from God The Father in Heaven; not from Men, nor it is from on this Earth. It's History needs a long explanation. I will explain it in
an article, which I give you later.
Datu Masla no need for a long explanation. just tell what book and I'll check it out myself.
Lope Columna It is not yet in Book form. This True Gospel is hidden deep in the Bible, especially in the Hebrew Bible. No one can reach such deep secrets of God without His permission and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
And even with the
Holy Spirit, if one's mind is not trained for deep thinking and analysis, you
cannot understand the raw truths of the True Gospel. Someone must simplify
these hard Deep Truths for people. That's what I'm doing now, chewing and digesting
God's deep secrets and present it in a less mysterious way for people to know
and understand.
Q2. How can you prove that it is God's Word?
A2. This TRUE GOSPEL is God's Word because it is Christ Jesus, in Person who is the WORD OF GOD (John 1:1, 14).
Datu Masla so you use the KJV, NIV, RSV. If so you are using the False Gospels as well.
Lope Columna No, you don't understand. I said, the True Gospel is hidden deep in the Bible. You have to be open-minded; don't let your ego and religious bias to control you. Otherwise, you cannot understand the True Gospel. This is what I've said that it is not that easy to understand God's True Gospel.
Q3. What do you call it?
A3. I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to call this TRUE GOSPEL of Christ as the MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM to differentiate it from Jewish Mysticism and the popular Kabbalah known by the World today. So, this True Gospel from Heaven is now known as God The Father's MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM, which is the SECRET COUNSEL OF GOD (Psalms 25:14, Isaiah 46:11).
Q4. Where can I get it?
A4. In our 21st Century End-Time, this True Gospel of God's Counsel of MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM was given only to me => The Filipino "Man From The Far East" (Isaiah 46:11, Malachi 3:1). Therefore, you, and everyone else can learn this True Gospel only from me.
Arvind Sharman Wow Lope Columna your making a sequel to the Bible... you might be next Apostle Paul while Datu Masla is teasing you...
Are you trying to be the next nabi muhammad??? I doubt that
brother.. there are certain criteria which i think you will fail... you need to
be ass murderer while you preach this gospel.. you must have many Brides
including other peoples wives and not to mention a child bride.. you must claim
to have the final revelation just like him.. "
When you and I know God
never makes an open revelation and that too being a final 1.
all these facts... you might loose out.. but no worries.. keep trying...
Lope Columna Arvind Sharman, I never intend to become the next "nabi muhammad." Maybe, the next Apostle Paul. It is the Almighty God who choose His End-Time Apostle Paul; not any Man, Church, or Religion.
Lope Columna Arvind Sharman, I never intend to become the next "nabi muhammad." Maybe, the next Apostle Paul. It is the Almighty God who choose His End-Time Apostle Paul; not any Man, Church, or Religion.
Sagar Sagaya You would not be preaching this Gospel if the West did not reach out to the East. The Gospel is not about East or West but the Truth. You can look at it from any direction, I mean from the east, west, north and south and both from top till bottom - The Truth is always the TRUTH - Jesus said I am the way the Truth and the Life.
Lope Columna Sagar Sagaya, you just contradicted God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Bible, even Science! The Scriptures clearly quoted in the article all teach that God's Truth and Light always come from the EAST. And it seems that you forgot the everyday event that the Sun always rises in the EAST, never in the WEST!
The True Gospel of Christ did not come from the WEST, neither it came from men (Galatians 1:11-12). The True Gospel only comes from Christ, who is the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2).
The Gospel that came from the WEST is the FALSE GOSPEL OF MEN that is full of lies and falsehood (Jeremiah 8:8-9) cursing this world. Look at the cursed fruits and all the evils and corruption that enveloped the world today, including all Religions, Churches, and Nations; victimizing Christians and Jews.
Datu Masla Where is the Gospel of Christ if I may ask?
Sagar Sagaya Datu Masla Where is the Gospel of Christ if I may ask? It is in the Koran " Let the people of the Gospel judge by what hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel Surah 5:47. Hence do you want to disobey the Almighty Allah and rebel against the people of the book, I mean Injil?
The Sun of Righteousness is not the literal meaning to the SUN that you are waiting for it to rise from the East, but that it was like the Sun that rises from the east over the darkness. But if you look to the East it is just infinity just like if you look to the West. hence before you go around with your new kind of theology, and bring in heretical teachings.
As the Psalmist say "As far as the East is from the West, so far has He
removed our transgression from us" (Psalm 103: 12). This teaches us clearly that they both
don't meet again to the point of infinity, hence the meaning is about the
distance from each other is the point. So please do not bring to geographical
bearing to spread the Gospel, but just preach it in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Lope Columna Sagar Sagaya, so you are of the Western thinking, which is where the Sun sets, and Darkness dominates. With your reasoning, you are truly in the Dark! You even said that the Gospel of Christ is in the Koran! What kind of strange and foolish theology you are bringing in! Just keep it to yourself if you are convinced of your deception!
Lope Columna Datu Masla, you have a good question. The True Gospel of Christ always originate from the East. It started in Israel, where Christ was born, lived, and preached it. And Israel is in the East, which is called today the Near East or Middle East.
Lope Columna Sagar Sagaya, so you are of the Western thinking, which is where the Sun sets, and Darkness dominates. With your reasoning, you are truly in the Dark! You even said that the Gospel of Christ is in the Koran! What kind of strange and foolish theology you are bringing in! Just keep it to yourself if you are convinced of your deception!
Lope Columna Datu Masla, you have a good question. The True Gospel of Christ always originate from the East. It started in Israel, where Christ was born, lived, and preached it. And Israel is in the East, which is called today the Near East or Middle East.
True Gospel of Christ was lost in the First Century after the death of Apostle
Paul. Then, after 2,000 years, in our End-Time 21st Century, it was revealed
again; this time in the FAR EAST Country, which is the PHILIPPINES (Isaiah
46:11, 24:15). Now, the True Gospel of Christ is again shining in the EAST, to
prepare and light the way for the glorious return of the LORD CHRIST JESUS!
Sagar Sagaya I am not here to discuss Western or the Eastern Gospel with you but about the Middle Eastern bullshit done in the name of a religion.
Sagar Sagaya I am not here to discuss Western or the Eastern Gospel with you but about the Middle Eastern bullshit done in the name of a religion.
A Religion
that commits atrocities while hiding under the shadow of the Moral Values of a
Monotheistic Religion Called Judaism. But I believe you are here for one
reason, and that is to spread your Gospel from the East. But before you bring
your confusion here with you self righteous bullshit and attitude, I suggest
please go and study the Bible and study with the prayer asking the Holy spirit
to lead and guide you into all knowledge I mean the TRUTH.
And as for the Gospel found in the Koran, to understand that, you need the knowledge of the
Qu'ran. And my humble request to you is, If you want people to recognize your
work and Ministry, please stop blowing out the candle of another to claim yours
is burning brighter, but let us put all our candles together and shine the
light on the darkness and bring the true Light.
And for the sake of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ please don't use the geographical address to preach the
Gospel but only in the Mighty name of Jesus.
P.s If God wanted the East to
be the land of the chosen generation then He would have shown Moses the Philippines
but God led him to the Land called Canaan in the Middle East and I am sure you
must have known the actual location by now. and for your info, do you think
that the Muslims don't know where Jesus came from, I mean Bethlehem and they
say it belongs to the Palestinian Arabs, so they can make all a Muslim world.
And the whole world knows that is in the Middle East.
Lope Columna Who are you Sagar Sagaya, to tell me such? Your spirit is the spirit of the Anti-Christ, as proven by the corrupt words (bullshit) coming out from your foul mouth.
Lope Columna Who are you Sagar Sagaya, to tell me such? Your spirit is the spirit of the Anti-Christ, as proven by the corrupt words (bullshit) coming out from your foul mouth.
It is
the Holy Spirit that teaches me these DEEP THINGS OF GOD (1Corinthians 2:10), and
you are contradicting it, because the spirit of the Ant-Christ is always
against Christ.
The spirit in you is called by the Apostle Paul as the
"ANOTHER SPIRIT" of the fake "ANOTHER JESUS," which is the
kind of Jesus you are mentioning in your comments (2Corinthians 11:3-4). I
cannot, and I never accept that kind of spirit, which is a deceiver and an
Datu Masla Lope Columna, the Gospel of Christ is definitely not in the Quran and neither it is in the Bible. If it is there can you please show me. Don't mind Sagar Sagaya he is indeed a lost soul.
Sagar Sagaya If I have the spirit of the Anti-Christ as you claim then I would not be able to preach the Gospel of the Lord and Savior to everyone and I would not be able to understand and confess that Jesus came in the Flesh and in the Spirit as the Son of Man and the Son of GOD who came to destroy the work of the devil, which is Sin and Death.
Datu Masla Lope Columna, the Gospel of Christ is definitely not in the Quran and neither it is in the Bible. If it is there can you please show me. Don't mind Sagar Sagaya he is indeed a lost soul.
Sagar Sagaya If I have the spirit of the Anti-Christ as you claim then I would not be able to preach the Gospel of the Lord and Savior to everyone and I would not be able to understand and confess that Jesus came in the Flesh and in the Spirit as the Son of Man and the Son of GOD who came to destroy the work of the devil, which is Sin and Death.
Hence, Jesus came to deliver us from the bondage
of Sin Death and the Devil. And brother, I have the knowledge and the deep
understanding of the things of GOD because Christ is in me and I am in Christ
Just as Christ is in The Father.
Datu Masla that's great if Christ is in you. Can you speak in new tongues? I doubt it.
Datu Masla Lope Columna, can you help Sagar Sagaya here. you have the same conviction that Jesus dwells in you. Can you heal the sick?
Lope Columna I was commissioned by the Creator God to primarily HEAL the Sicknesses of the SOUL, particularly that of the Spirit in the People's MIND, not the Physical Body. Many people today are impressed with the healing of the Body sicknesses and diseases. If the healing is only of the physical body, and not the soul, it becomes a lying sign and wonder, which Satan and his Anti-Christ will do.
Lope Columna Sagar, you are not the only one claiming such; there are Millions and Billions of people claiming to do the same. But, please be reminded that there are two (2) Jesus in the Bible:
Datu Masla that's great if Christ is in you. Can you speak in new tongues? I doubt it.
Datu Masla Lope Columna, can you help Sagar Sagaya here. you have the same conviction that Jesus dwells in you. Can you heal the sick?
Lope Columna I was commissioned by the Creator God to primarily HEAL the Sicknesses of the SOUL, particularly that of the Spirit in the People's MIND, not the Physical Body. Many people today are impressed with the healing of the Body sicknesses and diseases. If the healing is only of the physical body, and not the soul, it becomes a lying sign and wonder, which Satan and his Anti-Christ will do.
Lope Columna Sagar, you are not the only one claiming such; there are Millions and Billions of people claiming to do the same. But, please be reminded that there are two (2) Jesus in the Bible:
- The fake "Another Jesus," with the Spirit of the ANTICHRIST. This is the Spirit that the world is following today, including you (2Corinthians 11:3-4).
- The genuine JESUS CHRIST that the entire Christianity, Judaism, and other World Religions have not known (John 16:2-3).
Similarly, there are two (2) Gospels mentioned in the Bible: The FALSE GOSPEL
OF MEN, and the TRUE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. As I have explained, this True Gospel
was lost in the First Century. Since then, the Gospel that the Churches
preached up to the present, is the False Gospel. And Christians and the world were
brainwashed to believe that this False Gospel is the True Gospel. So, the whole
world is deceived (Revelation 12:9). This is the Gospel that Sagar claimed to be
Since the True Gospel of Christ was lost in the First Century, people and Churches that preach the Gospel today, must prove WHEN and HOW did the True Gospel was restored to them. If they cannot prove this True Gospel restoration, then they are automatically classified as teaching the FALSE GOSPEL OF MEN! And these preachers became FALSE PREACHERS and FALSE PROPHETS!
Since the True Gospel of Christ was lost in the First Century, people and Churches that preach the Gospel today, must prove WHEN and HOW did the True Gospel was restored to them. If they cannot prove this True Gospel restoration, then they are automatically classified as teaching the FALSE GOSPEL OF MEN! And these preachers became FALSE PREACHERS and FALSE PROPHETS!
Copyright 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA
(Hosea 6:2-3, Isaiah 40:3-5, 46:11, Jeremiah 9:12, Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, 24:14, Rev 14:6)

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