Thursday, February 3, 2011


I believe Jesus was the "at-one-ment" of Man with God. But I do not subscribe to fear tactics. :-) 

-- Mr. Hilbert Cardenas

Lope Columna: Mr. Cardenas, as I explained in one of my article, Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom is Jesus Christ Himself. And I don't resort to "fear tactics" you mentioned, I am just answering your questions.

But if you do believe that it is "fear tactics," and you don't subscribe to it, then I am sad for you. This is because you disconnects yourself from the opportunity to learn the Wisdom of God. As the following verse said, the Messianic Kabbalah secrets that lead to Salvation, are given ONLY to those who FEAR God (Psalms 25:14):  
  • The secret of the LORD is with them that FEAR HIM; and he will shew them his covenant." (Psa 25:14 KJV)
Mr. Cardenas: Being exempted from purifying sufferings is a nice thought. But the motivation behind it is fear, the antithesis of love. I believe the "fear" in Psalms 25 means "revere" and has a different meaning.

Lope Columna: You are mistaken, Hilbert. When Adam sinned, he was afraid of God. The Hebrew word for "afraid" used here is also "yare":  

  • And he said, I heard Your voice in the Garden, and I was AFRAID (Yare), because I am naked, and I hid myself. (Gen 3:10 MKJV). 

The Hebrew word for "fear" used in Psalm 25:14, is the same "yare" used here in Genesis 3:10. You cannot say that Adam "revere" God in this situation. "Revere" is an advanced stage of the fear of God, only acquired when you start with the trembling fear toward God.

Lope Columna: There is nothing wrong in fear. In fact, the right kind of fear is beneficial, and will protect and save you from harm and death. You fear to jump over the high building, so you are protected from harm and death. If you are afraid of God, you will be prevented to commit sin. And your salvation is assured.

Mr. Cardenas: Sir, I don't feel "yare", only love and reverence.

Lope Columna: Really? Then, I wonder why you reacted differently with a "fear tactics" comment on my answer to your questions. Do you observe the Sabbath as commanded in the Ten Commandments? Do you still believe in giving of tithes and offerings? Do you obey not to eat unclean foods, such as pork, etc? If your answer to any one of these questions is no, then you don't have the true fear of God. 

If you say that you only feel love and reverence, check it out. Your "love" and "reverence" might be only man-made or man-taught: 
  • Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: (Isa 29:13 KJV)
Mr. Cardenas: Now that is something to think about overnight. :-) I have to do some study of the Hebrew language. But as you said earlier, what we are reading is only a translation. I ask the Spirit to guide me. Do continue with your writings, Sir. I wish you well! I think that will be all for now.

Lope Columna: OK, Hilbert. I have no intention of offending you, or anybody else. I am just doing what God have assigned me to do -- to tell people, especially God's people about His Words that have not been told for so long. May the Spirit of Truth guide you in your studies. 


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