Friday, December 21, 2018

Q612: How Does Birth Control Testify To and Prove Immorality, Safe Sex, Same Sex Marriages, and Sexual Perversions?

Reactions from the article: SEX IS THE DOMAIN OF GOD'S MIRACLE OF LIFE, AND THE WONDER OF HUMAN CONCEPTION AND BIRTH! Safe Sex, Contraceptives, Abortion, Reproductive Health (RH), Homosexuality, Pornography, etc., Are Tampering These Miracles Resulting To Grievous Sufferings And Death!
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  1. How does Birth Control testify to and prove immorality, safe sex, same sex marriages, and sexual perversions?
  2. And why would Same-Sex Marriages need Birth Control? 
RakChazak Amats Israel

Lope Columna @RakChazak. I sensed that you are quite elementary in the understanding of the subjects on hand. That's why you seemed to be out of sense and out of order in your understanding. Your Mind needs to be formatted and elevated to God's Mindset (Philippians 2:5, Isaiah 55:7-9).

RakChazak Amats Israel Sexual perversions existed long before birth control was invented. They are not cause and effects of each other. So how does all those medical facts make it a sin?

Lope Columna All those medical facts about the abnormalities of sex, conception, birth, are just testimonies and proofs that immorality, safe sex, same-sex marriages, and all sexual perversions, are all SINS!

Dawn Marie I believe playing with our very sensitive hormonal structure is a dangerous game, if not a sin. I also believe the birth control pill helped jolt the "sexual revolution" on and certainly helped women feel as if they are "liberated" only to be plagued with all kinds of issues that many don't even realize are linked to the birth control pill. These new fangled ones that actually prevent menstruation for months at a time are mortifying to me. And young girls as young as 13-14 years old are on these things. 

Perhaps this is off topic, and maybe not even Biblical, unless to link it to this word "pharmakia" and how the whole world has been deceived, but I just wanted to put this out there because I LOVE WOMEN!!! No judgement. No condemnation. Just plain concern. That's all.

Dawn Marie My mom suffered blood clots in her legs from taking the pill. The sad fact is, many women start these things at around 15 or so and take them regularly for well over 20 years stopping only to conceive, thereby again increasing risk. Taking the pill after the age of 40 is never recommended by doctors because of the increase in clotting, heart problems AND cancers. It's great some of the risks decrease after 10 years, but the fact is there IS a risk and most are never linked. This is all I'm trying to say. Very few girls ever hear about these risks or they think "it will never happen to me"

Lope Columna That's what I have said: Safe Sex, Same-Sex Marriage, Contraceptives, Abortion, Reproductive Health (RH), Homosexuality, and the likes; are tampering God's Miracles of Human Conception and Birth resulting to grievous sufferings and death (cancers, blood clots, birth defects, AIDS/HIV, and many other sexual diseases!


The Anti-pregnancy vaccine being promoted by Bill Gates and his group is very similar to the poison of asps or viper's venom, as mentioned in Romans 3:13, and Psalms 140:3.

This vaccine is termed in medical science as "immunological contraceptive" the anti-fertility "vaccine," which is a completely new mode of birth control.

Unlike vaccines against diseases, which prepare the body to react against the foreign and harmful germs and viruses, this "vaccine" acts against natural physiological substances. It actually reprograms the body's self protection to attack substances that are natural to and part of the human biology. This "vaccine" works by vaccinating against the female pregnancy hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) which is produced by the fertilized egg just after conception. 

The "vaccine" contains a molecule in which HCG is linked to a diphtheria or tetanus carrier. When a pregnancy occurs and begins producing HCG, this molecule triggers an immune reaction against it, just as it would against diphtheria or tetanus. The body is actually tricked into attacking HCG and the fertilized egg.

For more explanations, go to the following articles:

1. The MODERN ANTI-PREGNANCY VACCINE IS A POISON OF ASPS AND VIPER'S VENOM! The Failure of Contraceptive Vaccines => Blasted Ovaries!

2. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (RH) LAW, CONTRACEPTION, SAFE SEX, BIRTH CONTROL, Are All Abominations To God. (List of Revelatory Articles)

Copyright 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA

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